
Sample ImageArmstrong Faith Chapel is a Rural Life Mission Church located at 13 King Street, beside Black Bear General Store, Armstrong Station, Ontario. 

Armstrong Faith Chapel
Box 42
Armstrong Station, ON P0T 1A0

Phone: 807-583-2757
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Sunday Morning Radio Church Service 89.9 fm
Armstrong Sunday Morning Service & Kids Church
Gull Bay Sunday Services every 2 weeks
Adult Prayer & Bible Study
Kids Radio Broadcast 89.9 FM - Faith Builders
Bible & Baking Club
JULY 2024
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Bible & Baking for Kids
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Sunday Morning Service
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Gull Bay Church Service
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Sunday Morning Radio Church Service
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Weekly Prayer and Bible study
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Children's Radio Broadcast
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History of Rural Life Mission
In the spring of 1939 the Lord lead a young woman by the name of Mae Brooks to the now Thunder Bay area to begin visiting schools and homes sharing the gospel.